I Never Wanted to Go Natural… So Why Did I?

On January 30, 2012, I was sitting in a salon getting a fresh relaxer and color put into my hair. I’d been getting relaxers for as long as I can remember. I knew going natural was not the route for me! So, what made me decide to go natural? Historically speaking, I’ve never had too […]

How I Fell in Love With My Natural Curls

I’m VeCoya, a North Carolina native currently residing in Southern Maryland. I work in customer service but enjoy freelance blogging and modeling in my spare time too. I am currently navigating through ‘adulthood’ trying to create my own path. Oh, yeah and I’m obsessed with natural hair. My sister and I have a lifestyle blog […]

A Journey to Never Having Big Curls and Loving Myself Anyway

In January, 2013 I went for it and did my first big chop. One thing I will always love is experimenting with my hair. So between relaxers, dye jobs, weaves, braids and heat it’s safe to say my hair was beyond damaged. If my hair could talk it would’ve said “Shanae, get the scissors. It’s […]