Western Region Council
on Black American Affairs

Fall Edition 2020

Fall Edition 2020

In This Edition

Message from the President

Dr. Stacy Thompson

I am honored to serve as the President of the Western Region Council on Black American Affairs (WRBCAA). As I step into this role, we are all confronting an unprecedented time in history, a pandemic that has changed the way we interact with our families, friends and community. It has significantly altered the means by which education and student support services at the community college and at all levels is provided. At the same time, important and significant conversations about race and privilege are happening. These conversations are making noteworthy changes in the way we move forward as a nation in addressing issues of equity and justice.

At this moment in history it is essential for WRCBAA to acknowledge and reaffirm its mission. Now more than ever, I am committed to providing leadership to improve educational opportunities for Black American students and professional development opportunities for Black American faculty, staff and administrators.

Now more than ever we must reaffirm WRCBAA’s commitment to develop collaborative relationships with educational, business, and public service institutions with compatible goals in order to achieve our mission. I am committed to creating and further developing these collaborative relationships with the goal of improving and supporting success rates for black students.

Finally, now more than ever before WRCBAA must remain diligent in providing leadership in the articulation of positions on issues affecting Black Americans and in the formulation of policy. Through collaboration with key other public service entities I am committed to ensuring that WRBCAA has a voice in issues that impact Black American students, faculty, staff and administrators.

Stay connected to WRCBAA by joining your local chapter or our board, participating in a conference or institute or by browsing our website.

In unity,
Dr. Stacy Thompson, President

Important Dates

WRCBAA Regional Conference

October 10, 2020

9:30am – 2:00pm

The LATTC Reentry Symposium

“Enhancing & Advancing Community College Reentry Student Leadership 2020 And Beyond”

November 17-18, 2020
9:00am – 12:30pm

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What's Happening in the Western Region

Lead, Collaborate, Inspire


On March 4, 2020 SCCBAA held its spring Conference entitled, “Lead, Collaborate, Inspire” on the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College campus. The professional development event was attended by 150 students, faculty, and professionals from the Los Angeles region. The following workshops were offered to attendees: (1) Re-entry Student Panel: Prison to College Pathway, (2) Finding Your Way: The Benefits of Professional Coaching to Achieving Your Goals, and (3) Your Network is Your Net worth. The keynote speaker was Kevin Powell. As one of the most respected and celebrated political, cultural, literary, and hip-hop voices in America today, Mr. Powell encouraged and empowered attendees to strive for their goals and aspirations with guided intentionality.

Chabot College Establishes the Black Excellence Collective

The President’s Task Force is a result of  President Sperling’s “Race Matters” Town Hall, an open letter to Chabot from Umoja student leaders, and the Racial Justice and Equity Statement to Chabot College Administrative Leadership and Community from a collective group of education associations, learning communities, and programs that support Black students. 

The Black Excellence Collective (BEC) 10×10 Village Teams 

The BEC 10 by 10 village teams were created to address the statistically proven low success rates of black students. The BEC Village Team is modeled from the Igbo and Yoruba proverb “It takes a village to raise a child.” The proverb reflects the emphasis African cultures place on family and community and the impact individuals and groups outside the family have in the development of the whole person.

There are approximately 2,000 Black students at Chabot who will be divided into ten Village groups with 200 students in each group. 

The BEC Village consists of a minimum of 10 volunteer members and each team is focused on increasing impact in areas of interest identified by Black students, classified professionals, faculty and administrators.

Each BEC Village consists of a minimum of 10 team members including:

● Director/Coordinator/Administrator (1)

● Counseling Faculty (1)

● Academic Instructors (2)

● Classified Professionals (2)

● Students (2)

● Allies (2)

BEC Village Subject Areas will include:

1. On-boarding (Welcome & Orientation)

2. Academic Support & Retention (Tutoring)

3. Health & Well being (Mental Health)

4. Community & Campus Safety & Relations

5. Financial Literacy Workshops, Coaching, and related Basic Need Supports (Sparkpoint)

6. Black Culture Resource Center

7. Graduation (Certificate & Degree Completion, Career Transition)

8. Professional Development (Social Justice & Equity)

9. Faculty Diversity (EEOC)

10. Data & Research

The task force will meet monthly and all meetings are open to the college community. The task force will share information about the progress of the students in each of the ten communities, as well as receive updates from each of the ten areas of interest. There will also be time to take suggestions from the general audience regarding new ideas to improve the academic and social learning experience of Black students at Chabot College. The first cohort is scheduled to begin this fall in collaboration with the Guided Pathways teams.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc maximus ultricies mattis. Maecenas egestas sapien eu nulla commodo ornare. Suspendisse in mollis orci, eu dictum est. Quisque imperdiet nisl auctor ultricies hendrerit. Proin ut mauris eu arcu ultrices molestie et sed massa. Nulla ut lorem sagittis libero venenatis semper ac id erat. Duis at orci non ante lobortis dignissim eget nec justo. Nunc diam odio, iaculis sed convallis eget, volutpat a sem. Sed elementum arcu magna, ut condimentum elit aliquam id. Cras velit mi, rhoncus eget risus eget, mollis pellentesque diam.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc maximus ultricies mattis. Maecenas egestas sapien eu nulla commodo ornare. Suspendisse in mollis orci, eu dictum est. Quisque imperdiet nisl auctor ultricies hendrerit. Proin ut mauris eu arcu ultrices molestie et sed massa. Nulla ut lorem sagittis libero venenatis semper ac id erat. Duis at orci non ante lobortis dignissim eget nec justo. Nunc diam odio, iaculis sed convallis eget, volutpat a sem. Sed elementum arcu magna, ut condimentum elit aliquam id. Cras velit mi, rhoncus eget risus eget, mollis pellentesque diam.

Zeraka Mitchell

Zeraka Mitchell has been an adjunct instructor at Chabot College since 2016. Most recently Zeraka stepped into the full-time role as one of the new Instructional Technology Specialists at Chabot. She is committed to the field of education and understands the transformative power of education when it is equitable and accessible to all those who seek higher learning.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc maximus ultricies mattis. Maecenas egestas sapien eu nulla commodo ornare. Suspendisse in mollis orci, eu dictum est. Quisque imperdiet nisl auctor ultricies hendrerit. Proin ut mauris eu arcu ultrices molestie et sed massa. Nulla ut lorem sagittis libero venenatis semper ac id erat. Duis at orci non ante lobortis dignissim eget nec justo. Nunc diam odio, iaculis sed convallis eget, volutpat a sem. Sed elementum arcu magna, ut condimentum elit aliquam id. Cras velit mi, rhoncus eget risus eget, mollis pellentesque diam.

Dr. Robinson Tammy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc maximus ultricies mattis. Maecenas egestas sapien eu nulla commodo ornare. Suspendisse in mollis orci, eu dictum est. Quisque imperdiet nisl auctor ultricies hendrerit. Proin ut mauris eu arcu ultrices molestie et sed massa. Nulla ut lorem sagittis libero venenatis semper ac id erat. Duis at orci non ante lobortis dignissim eget nec justo. Nunc diam odio, iaculis sed convallis eget, volutpat a sem. Sed elementum arcu magna, ut condimentum elit aliquam id. Cras velit mi, rhoncus eget risus eget, mollis pellentesque diam.

Morbi vehicula justo ultrices consequat iaculis. Cras blandit justo et malesuada vehicula. Aliquam vel nisi ante. Aliquam volutpat leo felis, non luctus ligula vulputate id. Sed ultrices faucibus mi, aliquet semper est porta ac. Aenean eu metus fringilla, bibendum leo ac, mattis orci. Integer in nibh tristique, euismod ante ut, eleifend eros. Ut lobortis scelerisque tortor, eget interdum turpis rutrum quis. Aenean diam ligula, luctus sed sodales vel, vehicula vel lorem. Mauris ex nunc, eleifend a sapien a, fermentum convallis tortor.

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