Gratitude: A Way of Teaching
An Excerpt From: Gratitude: A Way of Teaching A Book By: Owen M. GriffithMaking a Change with Gratitude Remarkably, the average adult has over 60,000 separate thoughts on a daily basis, according to the National Science Foundation. More interesting, these may be the same thoughts as yesterday and tomorrow. Thus, many of us trudge through […]
Tennessee Lawmakers Consider Bill That Could Chill Free Speech
State lawmakers are pushing legislation to prevent the University of Tennessee from ever spending school dollars on student-organized “Sex Week” events. The bill, HB2248, would prohibit UT from using state funds to promote the use of gender-neutral pronouns, or to “promote or inhibit the celebration of religious holidays,” in addition to barring funding or support for […]
#TalkToMe: 'Tiger Mom' Amy Chua Shares 3 Things She 'Learned The Hard Way'
Amy Chua is passing down some life lessons to her daughter after she had to learn them “the hard way.” In a video for HuffPost’s parent-child interview series Talk To Me, the Yale law professor and author of the parenting memoir “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” took questions from her daughter, Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld. Amy offered three […]
Empowering Educators to Bridge the Financial Literacy Gap
You may not be surprised to learn that teachers in a high school in Silicon Valley, one of the wealthiest regions in the country, wanted their students to learn about finance and entrepreneurship. What may surprise you is that even at the epicenter of economic growth, innovation, and success, schools are not required to teach […]
Time For Diane Ravitch to Find a New 'Obsession'
While it’s nothing new for Diane Ravitch to take a swing at former journalist Campbell Brown, her decision to essentially mock Brown’s advocacy around the sexual abuse of children is uniquely appalling. While it is incontrovertible that sexual abuse is happening in America’s schools from the wealthiest of boarding schools to the poorest of urban […]
What Stands In The Way

Courtesy of ASCD You can’t see it on my face, but I am terrified in this photo. I won’t bore you with the details of just why the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development is so special (and therefore intimidating) to me, but suffice it to say: being on this stage was a milestone in […]