The Moment We Have Waited for

Rev. C.T. Vivian, legendary civil rights leader, believes young people today are inheriting the world at a unique crossroads in history and that “this is the moment we have waited for. When I say ‘we’ve’ waited for, I’m talking about humankind has waited for. I’m talking about all the great philosophers and thinkers have waited […]
From Kindergarten Math Geeks to Spring Break Economics: This Week's Curios

Every day of the year, CEO Justin Kitch writes a quirky fact, known as the Daily Curio, intended to tickle the brains of lifelong learners everywhere. This is a weekly digest. Last week’s Curios covered kindergarten math geeks, dancing grannies, and the correlation between Nicolas Cage movies and drowning deaths. Curio No. 976 | […]
To the Harvard 19: Do Better

To: Elizabeth Bartholet, Scott Brewer, Charles Donahue, Jr., Nancy Gertner, Janet Halley, Bruce L. Hay, Philip B. Heymann, David W. Kennedy, Duncan M. Kennedy, Randall L. Kennedy, Charles J. Ogletree, Jr., Richard D. Parker, J. Mark Ramseyer, David Rosenberg, Lewis D. Sargentich, David L. Shapiro, Henry J. Steiner, Jeannie C. Suk, Laurence H. Tribe There […]
Why Stanford Is Training Teens To Preach The Importance Of Sleep is a non-profit education news site, devoted to telling the stories of schools, teachers, parents and America’s 74 million kids. According to the CDC, as many as 70 percent of high school students do not get enough sleep. For decades, information about the importance of sleep has been targeted at parents and school boards. But […]
Flipping Houses on the Rise Again has just released their annual house flipping report for 2015. The report showed that 179,778 single family houses and condos were flipped in 2015. This accounted for 5.5% all home sale transactions that year. This was up from a 5.3% share of sales in 2014. For this report RealtyTrac counted a flip as “defined […]
When Smart Kids Finish Last
When looking at a NYC public school’s annual budget, the funding stream that by far supplies the most money is a budget line called Fair Student Funding or FSF. FSF was introduced in 2008 to better meet the needs of individual students. That sounded great – responsible and forward thinking. Starting with grade weights, additional […]