Around the World in 30 Days – February 2016

C. M. Rubin’s Global Education Report Ambassador Kirsti Kauppi, Dr. Nicholas Breakwell, Dr. David Perkins, Andreas Schleicher and Pak Tee Ng contributed to The Global Search for Education discussions this month on future learning, sharing perspectives on topics which ranged from what’s really worth learning, to strategies to improve learning amongst 15 year olds, to […]
Are Publicly Funded Charter Schools Accountable to Parents and Taxpayers? Apparently Not.
Several weeks ago, the New York Times published a surreptitiously recorded video of a charter school teacher berating a first grade student and ripping up her work in front of the class for being unable to explain how she solved a math problem. The publicly-funded school, the Success Academy founded by Eva Moskowitz, circled the […]
How Obama's 'Brutal' First Job Inspired A New Youth Employment Initiative
In a post on LinkedIn this week, President Barack Obama shared details about his very first gig in the workforce: scooping ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins as a teenager in Hawaii. Obama said the experience taught him lessons about hard work and ultimately helped him get to where he is today. “My first summer job wasn’t exactly […]